Shine Video

A beautiful song based on Psalm 67.
Prayer for “All Nations”

Students pray using the Scripture verses they find after searching for words like “all nations” in a Bible concordance or Bible app.
Mission Network News

This website is a great aggregator of news articles from around the world with a specific focus on the ministry of Jesus. Many articles conclude with specific ways to pray in response to the news.
Lesson by Lesson Prayer

A simple tool to help incorporate a prayer activity into each week of class.
10:02 Prayer

Based on Luke 10:2, asking God to send forth laborers, this is a reminder to set an alarm at 10:02 every day so that we will stop and pray for laborers.
Worship – Valley of Vision

Thoughtful and artfully written liturgies of prayer, very useful for invocation and benediction.
Psalm 8

A beautiful song based on Psalm 8.
Operation World Prayer Calendar

Use the Operation World book, website, and calendar app to guide the reader in praying daily for the world country by country.
Prayer Videos and Links

A spreadsheet with 20 videos with questions and notes on how best to use them.
Blessing and Curse Video

Trace the theme of blessing and curse in the Bible to see how Jesus defeats the curse and restores the blessing of life to creation.