Stuck in the Mud

This activity invites students to wrestle with the concept of dependency and asks them to think critically about how we help see transformation take place in a community.

Meeting Needs Case Study

This activity is designed to get students thinking about the various methods that are used to meet the physical needs of others. The goal is not to simply declare certain methods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, as there are positives and negatives in each approach, but rather to get students to think critically.

General Slide Template

A general slide deck that could be used for announcements, instructor slides.. You will need to make a copy to edit this template.

Promotional Slides

Several different slide decks to help with all of your promotional needs! English and Spanish versions.


Download and order posters! The purpose of these posters is display Perspectives year round at partner churches or organizations. English and Spanish versions.

Handouts & Promo Cards

Download and order promo cards! The purpose of these promo cards is to share in volume. This is to hit a broader audience to catch people’s interest when they see it or to remind them to register on the website and your class pages. English and Spanish versions.


Download and order brochures! The brochures should be shared during intentional conversations with potential students, church partners, and ministry leaders to give them more detailed information about the course. English and Spanish versions.

Promotional Videos

A link to our Vimeo Account where all of our promotional videos can be found.

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