Now checking for empty arrays and setting to psp_fop if empty.
This test page uses the Code Snippet Synchronize User Roles and will output debugging code only for this page.
Please do not delete this test page!
Thanks, Todd
This was a brand-new user: 0
Current User WP roles: ('')
PSP Roles Glossary: ('cls_cor', 'cls_ctm', 'cls_grd', 'cls_ins', 'cls_std', 'psp_cfd', 'psp_cfs', 'psp_cor', 'psp_fdr', 'psp_fop', 'psp_ins', 'psp_ndr')
PSP roles: Array ( [0] => psp_fop )
Current User PSP roles: ('psp_fop')
Diff 1 (WP roles not in Glossary): ('psp_fop')
Merge (PSP Roles + Diff1): ('psp_fop')
Serialized Merged:a:1:{s:7:"psp_fop";b:1;}
WP_capabilities updated!
Now checking for empty arrays and setting to psp_fop if empty.
This test page uses the Code Snippet Synchronize User Roles and will output debugging code only for this page.
Please do not delete this test page!
Thanks, Todd